I live in Australia, so Halloween consists of someone having a dress up party, or going to one at a club. I am doing neither. I will spend my halloween in bed, possibly creating a fort to hide from Michael Myers. But if I was going to go out, I might have one of these costumes
Fun Fact, did you know there are NO nice Snow White Costumes on the web? I have to make my own! Which is going to be an adventure in itself, though alot easier now that I've found the pedal to my sewing machine! Theres something alot better with homemade costumes. They seem alot wittier, more clever, and generally betterI don't have to post a link! Some sites are so clever :)
(p.s. someone make me/send me patterns of a max costume, THEY ARE SO DARN CUTE!)
Turn out the link on the photo before this one is a LIE! But this one is correct
Harvey Birdman, what a great costume. Looks pretty easy too, trusting you can get your hands on a grey suit...A purple suit, however, is significantly more difficult
Look at this costume though! It's amazing! How I miss Heath Ledger. Its weird, you laugh when people cry when celebrities die, and then a celebrity you like dies and its like ...Oh my god, I understand...
I didn't cry then though. But I tried watching 10 Things I hate about you, when he started singing I teared up and was upset for a good hour or so.
Well Thats really all I have to say. And, as it is now 12:20am in Australia, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
(p.s. someone make me/send me patterns of a max costume, THEY ARE SO DARN CUTE!)
Turn out the link on the photo before this one is a LIE! But this one is correct
Harvey Birdman, what a great costume. Looks pretty easy too, trusting you can get your hands on a grey suit...A purple suit, however, is significantly more difficult
Look at this costume though! It's amazing! How I miss Heath Ledger. Its weird, you laugh when people cry when celebrities die, and then a celebrity you like dies and its like ...Oh my god, I understand...
I didn't cry then though. But I tried watching 10 Things I hate about you, when he started singing I teared up and was upset for a good hour or so.
Well Thats really all I have to say. And, as it is now 12:20am in Australia, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!